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Short-term Care Insurance

Long-term Care Insurance


Medicare does NOT pay for Long-term Care!
Sadly, this fact unfortunately surprises many approaching Medicare eligiblity age.
For those who need help at home or need to be institutonalized the options are to pay from savings or qualify for Medicaid.  Neither are attractive options!
Long-term care policies are complex but are something to consider if you have assets to protect or have heirs you would like to leave a legacy to in the event you or a spouse becomes ill and needs care.  LTC can have a benefit periods from as short as 2 years to as long as a lifetime benefit.  
Short-term Care is similar in that it pays for non-medical needs, but has a benefit period of a year or less.  
Some polices pay a fixed dollar amount per month when an insured meets the medical qualification for coverage.  Other plans require receipts and reimburse only incurred expenses.
Additionally, some polices are designed to be lump-sum where you would transfer a money from a CD, Annuity or Retirement Account.  Others have mothly premiums for 10 or 20 years or lifetime.
Due to the complexity involved in the decision we recommend that you contact us directly to discuss your options.  
The articles below are to give you a starting point to a discussion on the types of care available and the pros & cons of the various options as well as the risks involved in not having coverage.

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