Are many of the Employees in your Group covering an older Spouse?
Do you have clients with less than 20 Employees?
Would a Group Medicare Plan make sense?
We work with Brokers to help them help their clients and in the end save everyone money and increase the satisfaction of the Employees with their health insurance and the Employer.
In our experience many Employees who are eligible for Medicare are simply scared of it. The easier thing is to continue on the Group plan until retirement. In many cases though this isn't the best option for the Employee (or their spouse) and is DEFINITELY not the best option for the Employer.
We work with Group Brokers in whichever way you think best for any particular client.
Some examples of how we work with Group Brokers:
Medicare 101 sessions - either in person "lunch & learns" or via webinar
Individual Medicare Advising - directly with the Employee to address their particular situation
Group Medicare Plans - assist the Broker in sourcing and customizing a plan
Branded Medicare Quote Tool - let us seamlessly be your back office. HIPAA compliant and fully brandable like the button below, allowing an Employee to simply complete their information and be contacted to discuss (give it a try now!).
Lets set up a time to speak and explore how we can help you look like a hero at renewal time!