Sandwich Generation
Many of us we are stuck in the middle; the so-called "sandwich generation". Helping aging parents, raising/guiding our children & busy with careers and responsibilities of our own.
Increasingly though we see this generation called upon to help PARENTS with their Medicare needs!!!
As Medicare gets increasingly complicated and confusing, and the population ages, it is increasingly important, from both a financial & health perspective, to insure that our parents have the appropriate medical and insurance coverage to meet their needs.
Nobody wants to overpay for insurance but by the same token nobody wants to be underinsured. Both can cost you!
How though, is the average 50-something supposed to help their parents with their Medicare choices?
That is where we can help.
By providing a non-biased review of their current coverage helping you, and them, to understand what they currently have, how it works and the pros/cons of these plans. We can then make recommendations to change any plans that are outdated, no longer working as intended or simply too expensive. This can be done on an annual basis during Medicare Open Enrollment to keep abrest of changes.
We can also disucuss opportunities to make changes based upon Special Election Periods (SEPs) as set forth by CMS. In difficult situations being able to make a change can be a blessing.