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Get Help With Your Medicare Insurance Needs!

Set Up a Medicare Plan Review for Open Enrollment Period beginning October 15th!!! 

"...Making Medicare Easy..."

Navigating Medicare choices can be frustrating, time consuming & expensive!
We make it easy and provide piece-of-mind that you can depend on year after year.



Who We Work With 


Choosing a Medicare plan is overwhelming.  Most have never shopped for own health insurance before.  We help people understand their options; the pros & cons of the alternatives, then help them to choose a plan(s) that will maximize coverage & reduce costs (or both!).  

We are here throughout the year to assist our clients as quesitons arise and of course review their selections during the next Open Enrollment.

Sandwich Generation

This may seem an odd category to include on a site dealing with Medicare & Senior Benefits.  However, we are receiving an incraesing number of calls and referrals from people too young for Medicare themselves but being asked by parents for help in understanding Medicare or with concerns that Mom & Dad may not be on the best plan for their needs and have no idea how to help them or where to start.

Trusted Advisors

Financial Advisors, CPAs & Estate Attorneys all have clients asking for help with Medicare.  While many have some knowledge of the options, it is a distraction from their core focus and not where their expertise lie. 

We partner with other professionals to help their clients with their Medicare decisions. Making the Advisor look like a hero and strengthing their relationship with her clients!



Employers, Associations and the Brokers who service them frequntly have clients who qualify for Medicare.

Older employees (and their spouses) impact the cost of Health Insurance renewals.   Fear of the unknown keeps many people from leaving a Group Insurance Plan and opting into Medicare.  We believe education is the key.

When older employees opt into Medicare...everyone wins!


Your Trusted Medicare Advisor

When it comes to Medicare, we know that the choices are overwhelming. 

To help you make the right decision we take a commonsense approach – we ask questions, listen to your answers and  then recommend the type of policies that best fit your particular needs.

Our goal is to always, "maximize your coveage, while minimzing your risk...or both!
