Adult Children or the "Sandwich Generation"
Many of us with aging Parents are stuck between raising kids and helping our parents, while simultaneously balancing career and other responsibilities?
Ever feel like you are being pulled in multiple directions at once? Welcome to the so-called "sandwich generation"! An increasing part of our business is from busy, "middle-aged" children with questions about their Parent's coverage.
The questions range from the general, "it seems that my mom is paying a ton for ______" to the specific "Dad was hospitalized for a few days and it cost us $_______!".
Additionally, questions about networks and formularies come up, usually when something or someone is NOT in-network or covered as expected.
Increasingly though we see this generation called upon to help PARENTS with their Medicare needs!!!
I do not know of many 50-somethings well versed in Medicare minutiae or interested in learning it. Why would you? If you have a decade or so until you need to know any of this why waste time learning it now when it will be so different when you need it?
We can help you, help your parents by making sure that the coverage they need is in place, by providing a non-biased review of their current coverage helping you, and them, to understand what they currently have, how it works and the pros/cons of these plans. We can then make recommendations to change any plans that are outdated, no longer working as intended or simply too expensive.
This can, and should, be done on an annual basis during Medicare Open Enrollment to keep abrest of any changes that impact them.