Gerry is a Korean War Vet of modest means.
We had a meeting at his home and I asked him how I could help.
His reply, "all I would like is to have a beer with my buddies a couple of times a week at the VFW".
Much of his limited disposable income was spent on Chiropractor co-pays ($40/visit) addressing back issues incurred while working as a Union Pipefitter at the Navy Yard. He goes 2x/week.
His plan when we met was a $230 legacy Advantage HMO Plan. We presented 2 alternatives:
- Switch from the current Advantage Plan to a new one with the same carrier that has $0 premium and now includes Dental Benefits that the old plan does not. Same co-pay for the Chiropractor. Net Savings $230/mo.
- Switch to a Medicare Supplement Plan G. Approximate cost $200/mo. Eliminates ALL co-pays. Net savings $350/mo ($40 x 8 + $30
Net Result: Gerry went with Option #1. Despite the larger cash savings with the latter, Option #1 gave him both beer money AND $1500 of Dental and $300 for new glasses, both of which he wanted to take advantage of.