Group Benefit Brokers
Are you a Group Benefit Broker...
Have Groups with an aging Employee population?
Have Employees covering a Medicare eligible Spouse?
Have clients with less than 20 Employees?
Does installing a Group Medicare Plan make sense?
We work with Group Brokers to make them look like Heros!!!Imagine being able to take an Employer group of ANY size and explaining how Medicare could benefit the eligible Employees by either being less expensive, more comprehensive, or BOTH!
Fear of the unknown and inerita keeps many Employees who are eligible from even considering Medicare figuring they will wait until retirement.
Employer size keeps many Brokers from even thinking about it.
The savings, and benefits, can be tremendous during renewal if a number of the Medicare eligible Employees have opted out of the Group coverage and you look like a hero!.
Make no mistake, the Employee also benefits by lowering Premiums and Deductibles, increasing coverage or Both!
We work with Group Brokers in whichever way you think best for any particular client.
Some examples of how we work with Group Brokers:
Medicare 101 sessions - either in person "lunch & learns" or via webinar
Individual Medicare Advising - directly with the Employee to address their particular situation
Group Medicare Plans - assist the Broker in sourcing and customizing a plan
Branded Medicare Quote Tool - let us seamlessly be your back office. HIPAA compliant and fully brandable button allowing an Employee to simply complete their information and be contacted to discuss their Medicare options